rules ,
Dec 28, 2008 12:59:18 GMT 10
Post by andrew rolph on Dec 28, 2008 12:59:18 GMT 10
Ybe nice to all members and staff ! Yno arguing in public, take it to PM ! Yplease follow all staff instructions ! Ykeep out of character swearing to a minimum ! Yracism, sexism, disableism etc is frowned upon ! Ychatspeak is not allowed, with a few exceptions ! Ykeep advertising in the correct place !
Yno power-playing or god-moding ! Yplease do not make a perfect character ! Yyou are only allowed five characters ! Yeach character must have their own account ! Ythe password for the application is ilovequicksandie ! Ydo not roleplay your character until their application is accepted ! Yposts must be no shorter than three hundred words !
Ydo not stretch the boards with your signatures ! Ybe sure to have a picture of your character in your signature ! Ydo not post offensive pictures ! Ysex, violence, drugs etc are allowed ! Yyour avatars must not exceed 100 x 100 pixels ! Yif you use images from a site like caution, please give credit ! Yif you want graphics from another member, be polite about it !